Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT) Solution for a Better Future

Co-Creation Challenges



Name of team Ashoka Fellow - SAT
Our Partner Ashoka Fellows

Country or countries of your activity


Themes of Activity

Agriculture, forestry, fishery

Environment, energy

Our Co-Creation Challenge

SAT's efforts are deeply connected to all three subthemes, namely Saving Lives, Empowering Lives, and Connecting Lives. By promoting and implementing sustainable agriculture practices, SAT enhances food security, improves nutrition, and reduces vulnerability to climate-related shocks, ultimately saving lives and promoting well-being. Through practical training and community engagement, SAT empowers farmers and pastoralists to diversify their income sources, increase resilience to environmental challenges, and take ownership of their livelihoods, thus empowering lives. Moreover, SAT's collaborations and networking with other organizations facilitate multi-stakeholder cooperation, enhancing knowledge exchange and technology transfer to benefit farming communities, thereby connecting lives.

Development of initiatives

Methods and Areas for Future Development SAT intends to scale its approaches by transferring knowledge to stakeholders in various organizations as well as lead farmers and community-based trainers who will then use the knowledge to reach more farmers and pastoralists in their communities, project sites and regions with support of the project and organizations using their own resources to scale. Other organizations in countries like Malawi, Ethiopia and Burundi have had exchange and learning visits at SAT and picked aspects such as establishment and running of farmer training centres, the practice of agroecology, gender in agriculture and environmental management which they are using in their countries. With the clear strategic objectives and areas of intervention in the work of SAT, we see more resilient ways of farming being scaled across the country and beyond. The strategy offers a possible solution on how to improve farming practices to meet the ever-increasing global food demand in a sustainable way since it clearly underscores the fact that increasing yield at any cost is not sustainable and will not solve the problem of food insecurity in the long-term.
People who wish to work with Collaborate with development partners working for advancing food systems transformation. Individuals and organizations in organic, agroecology and regenerative agriculture.

Our SDGs